Elvis Presley Autograph Signature

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  5. Elvis Presley Autograph Signature

Beautiful Elvis Presley autograph signed back in 1968. Over 18 words written by Elvis Presley!
This item had a total of 3 different owners: Frank and his family that took care of Elvis's dry cleaning while he was living in Los Angeles in the 60's. What we know is Frank had enjoyed this beautiful item in his office (where it got sun damaged). In the 80's it was gifted to Tom (Tommy). Then it was sold to the current owner in 2002 where he punched it from Tom at his Yard Sale. Sadly both Frank and Tom passed away and we don't have more information about the history of their relationship. Would truly look impressive in an office or living room.
Size of Frame: Almost 33X40 Inches, Size of Image: About 14X19 Inches
Condition of Image: has signs of aging, sun damage, a bit of water damage, dings and light scratches. (Zoom into photos)
Condition of autograph: autograph has light sun damage, but over all the autograph is holding up very well considering how old it is. (Zoom into photos)
Condition of Frame: Has a few dings and scratches. The bottom right corner is missing a bit of gold (see photos). Frame was originally installed in 2002 by current owner where it was keeper away from the sun ever since!

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